I don't ever, EVER want to take for granted what I have, the people around me, the things in my life, things I have achieved, however insignificant they might seem at times.
I don't ever, want to be lulled into a false sense of security, of an inane belief, illusion, that I can be bored, apathetic, indifferent to life and all that it has to offer.
I don't ever, want to be someone who cannot appreciate, or value seemingly small things. Beauty in all its forms and expressions, acts of charity and selflessness on a small or large scale, every day that I take that walk up the road and it's great weather and I can move, seamlessly. Every taste, sound, texture, smell, touch, colour, everything that I see and I love,
I don't fucking ever, want to take for granted.
There's way too many people who do this already and gripe, oh. how boring reality is. or life is. Expand your scope people! There is SO much to do, so much to live for. So very many things that can be done for others, don't sit there and bitch that everything is for naught, or parrot: what is the point? what can one do in the face of mass tragedy, overwhelming odds, despair, hunger, poverty, insanity and irrationalism? The negativity, the self-defeatism, you've gone nowhere without having really even started. Have your ideals, self-assess constantly, examine all that you have enacted and of what you might choose, but do so constructively!
-lol. On that note. I did wake up this morning ridiculously happy. Ever had that? Very rare. I woke up with a smile plastered on my face and giggled. Somewhat moronically, but everything I've just splattered, definitely hold true.
Meanwhile, I do need to follow up on quite a few things that I need to blurt. Comprehensively of course. Till then. Soon-ish-ly.
Time to meet people and get ridiculously drunk, on life.
Drunk on life, I get that -- that is one reason why I have no interest in liquid-induced drunkenness.
The absolutely, deliriously luscious curves of a beautiful woman's body, or her voice as she sings, or anything she says or does -- and, I suppose, conversely for a woman, the beauty of a strong man's muscles rippling and his rugged physique naked before her --
The complexity of an azalea blossom --
The exquisite flavor of a bite of lasagna --
The sounds of an exotic language --
The hue and glitter of an agate --
these are genuine treasures of life.
To induce boredom in me, you'd have to lock me alone in a pitch black cell -- away from any and all of these, stripped of sight, sound, taste and touch.
It is great to appreciate the simple things. And once you get there, to that state of appreciation, even the generally opined fairly 'simple' can be incredibly fascinating, complex in its own right.
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